Federal Government Thanks Canadian Baptists

2016 was a challenging year globally. It was also a year where Canadian Baptists stood up and made a difference in the lives of Syrian refugees seeking a new life for themselves and their families.

In Luke 10:29, an expert in religious law asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbour?” What follows is Jesus’ answer with the story of the Good Samaritan. In verses 36 & 37, Jesus asked who was the neighbour to the man who was attacked? The man answered, “The one who showed him mercy.”

Canadian Baptists answered the call to show mercy and help those who have lived through the horrors and atrocities of war.

This week, Canadian Baptists received a letter from The Honourable John McCallum, MP, former Minister of Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship (now Ambassador to China), thanking us for our work in settling refugees, particularly Syrian refugees in the past year. We wanted to share it with you as well. This is part of our story as Canadian Baptists.

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