How Searchable is Your Church?

We live in an age where ideas travel fast. People can quickly Google answers to every question under the sun. They are asking about faith and life, hope, pain and meaning. People are searching for answers. People in your neighbourhood.

What if there was a way they could ask you these questions directly? Could your church be a resource for those seeking answers? What if you could connect them to the answers and a community of believers?

We can through CV Outreach (formerly known as!

It’s totally free using grants from Google for Non Profits (up to $10k). Plus CV Outreach (formerly known as will set up a landing page on your website. Here’s ours:

To give you an idea of the potential reach, from October to December, we had 4700+ visitors, 40 email clicks and 179 gospel presentations. We received emails from people seeking answers and hope and have made efforts to connect them to a church near them.

Below is a letter from the Jason at CV North America that will help guide you. Also, ask Andrew Myers ( for more info on our experience with this or drop them an email:

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