Baptist Rescuers Head to Japan

The Baptist World Alliance (BWA) has responded to the crisis in Japan by dispatching their BWAid Rescue 24 Team to the disaster zone. The Team is made up of highly trained people from Hungary, Singapore and the United States. They will assess what is needed and required to send teams to the affected areas.

BWA General Secretary Rev. Neville Callam sent letters to the Baptist member organizations in Japan expressing concern for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami. “I have learned, with deep concern, of the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami that have affected your country,” Callam wrote. “I write on behalf of the Baptist World Alliance to express our solidarity with you at this time and to offer you assurance of our prayers for all affected persons.”

At the time of the earthquake, the Japan Baptist Convention was ending a workshop with a worship service. Most were unable to return to their homes because transportation was at a standstill forcing them to stay in the convention building. Click the link above to read letters posted on their website from Rev. Makoto Kato, Executive Director of the Japan Baptist Convention. Commenting on the state of some of their churches, Rev. Kato says “Basically, the inland churches and mission points sustained breakage to their smaller structures, but the larger buildings were not severely damaged. Unfortunately several members of the JBC churches living in the vicinity of the Pacific coastline remain unreachable; we are anxious for their safety.” Other Baptist member organizations in Japan include the Japan Baptist Union, the Japan Baptist Conference and the Okinawa Baptist Convention. The four organizations have a membership of 42,000 people in more than 450 churches.

Canadian Baptist Ministries and The Sharing Way have set up a an earthquake relief fund. To donate online, go to and choose “Emergency Relief” then “Japan Earthquake Relief”. Or call 905-821-3533.

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