Recipe for Ending Global Hunger

If you were at Oasis 2012, you’ll recall during the Canadian Baptist Ministries presentation there was mention of a recipe card for ending global hunger from Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Keep reading to find out what this recipe card is and how you can get yours.

Of the estimated 7 billion people in the world today, more than 900 million people cannot access adequate food to live active and healthy lives. It’s clear that the causes of hunger are complex, but ways for people to take action don’t have to be.

The Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) has developed an easy tool to help us think about how CFGB response is a recipe to end global hunger with many important ingredients:

  • Thousands of generous Canadians – this means YOU. Nothing would happen without the support of those who donate time and money;
  • 15 churches and church-based agencies (representing 32 Christian denominations in Canada)– the members that make up Foodgrains Bank and the channel for all international programming;
  • Hundreds of partners around the world – the Foodgrains Bank works with like-minded organizations in over 35 countries around the world. They have local expertise, knowledgeable staff, and understand the context and the best way to respond; and
  • One supportive federal government. (

We want to encourage the Canadian government to consider the needs of people around the world who do not have access to adequate food for a healthy and active life. Order a Recipe postcard and send it to the Prime Minister, reminding him that there are many Canadians who care about Canada’s role in ending global hunger. Click here to order.

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