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Last Minute Gift Ideas

blue-mitten-heart-snow.jpgLooking for last minute gifts? Something for that person that has everything? We’re nearing the end of 2015 – maybe you’re considering an end of year donation?

When you give a gift, both you (the giver) and the recipient are blessed – one by giving, the other by receiving. But what if you could give a gift to the same person and have someone else benefit from that same gift too?

When you give to the CABC in honour of that special person, this is exactly what happens.

You can give to new congregations, church renewal initiatives, resources for our leaders to help them become sharper and healthier, youth and young adults as they become agents of change, and opportunities for new Canadians to encounter the Gospel. Your gift to the CABC provides opportunities for our churches to join God in changing Atlantic Canada one neighbourhood, one community, one heart at a time.

So you are blessed by giving. The one you’ve honoured is blessed by receiving and knowing that your gift in their name is benefiting God’s work here in Atlantic Canada; and our shared mission through the CABC is blessed by your generous gift.

The CABC’s missional work begins here in Atlantic Canada. We exist to grow healthy, missional churches who produce healthy, missional followers of Jesus who give compassion and support to people in Atlantic Canada and other parts of the world.

We need your help as we near the end of 2015. As of the end of November, we are over $321,000 behind where we should be according to budget. This shortfall means we won’t be able to meet our financial commitments for our local churches and other ministry partners like CBM, ADC, Crandall University, Atlantic Baptist Mission Board, etc. We rely on your giving and your church’s giving to the CABC. Please prayerfully consider how you can give.

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35 ESV
