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  • Refugee Sponsorship:
    • Mrs. Jacqueline Derrah:
      ; 506-635-1922 ext 1014 – For general inquiries about refugee sponsorship please contact us. We can help with training, information sessions, selection on a family for sponsorship.
    • Please note: We are unable to assist with unsolicited applications for permanent residence from refugees overseas.
…Furthering a movement of cross-cultural hospitality
…Facilitating diverse Christ-centred communities
A research and resource ministry helping Atlantic Baptists enjoy cross-cultural and Christ-honouring relationships within our historic and newcomer communities.
God is bringing all things in heaven and earth back together under one head – Christ Jesus. As part of his universal plan, we are being reconciled to one another and to him. The growing diversity of Atlantic Canada is calling us into relationships with people unlike ourselves – new arrivals as well as communities too long ignored.

We envision an Atlantic Canada that is not mono-cultural where we are all assimilated, not just multi-cultural where we are segregated, but inter-cultural where we celebrate our differences and relate as equals.

Theology of Hospitality

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Refugee Sponsorship

  • Refugee Sponsorship – The CBAC is a government recognized Sponsorship Agreement Holder. For more information about the crisis and how your church can respond please check out the resources below. If you’d like to schedule someone to come and speak with your congregation please contact:


How Can You Respond to the Refugee Crisis?
    • Pray – God is clearly leading us and we have been presented with this incredible opportunity. Pray that we will be good stewards and that more churches will answer the call. Also Remember CBM and the Lebanese as they help 20,000 refugees in Lebanon. You can sponsor the work in Lebanon through CBM (
    • Sponsor – Your church could be directly involved helping refugees.
    • Support – If you’re not involved in sponsoring you can still come alongside others that are and offer support.
    • Donate – Our Director is responding to every request for assistance and desires to continue to do that. However our financial resources are limited. We will continue to respond but YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT will enable us to do more. PLEASE CONSIDER a special gift to the CBAC to help during this critical opportunity.
      When you give to the CBAC for refugee sponsorship, here is what your gift will help us with:

      • Travel expenses as our staff work with churches and other groups across Atlantic Canada who are seeking to sponsor refugees;
      • Financial support to churches in their work with refugee families.

Give now:!

Refugee Sponsorship Resources: (click titles for pdf files)

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