WE ARE a ministry partnership of more than 450 Canadian Baptist churches and 21 Associations in the Atlantic Provinces. Our role is to resource our pastors, churches, and people, and to facilitate shared mission on behalf of our churches.

OUR PURPOSE is being and making disciples of Jesus Christ who are integrated into the life and ministry of healthy growing churches, committed to fulfilling the Great Commission and the doing of God’s will on earth.

OUR VISION: We are joining God in our neighbourhoods.

We recognize that God is already at work around us in our neighbourhoods and communities. It’s up to us to open our eyes and partner with God

This vision invites and challenges churches to get to know their neighbours and find new ways to share the Good News.

We know we can’t hesitate in this cultural moment to act decisively and conscientiously to be followers of Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, working to see transformation in the lives of people in our neighbourhoods.

We hope you will discover where God is at work around you and join Him in changing the fabric of our Atlantic Canadian landscape. Let’s join Him in our neighbourhoods.

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