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The content available here under “Member Services” is for authorized users only and accessible only with a password. Authorized users can access:
- Ministry Openings – view openings in CBAC churches/CBAC Organizations/Ministry Partners.
- Online Directory – search for churches, pastors, clerks, treasurers, etc.
- Print Directory – updated monthly. Downloadable and searchable document in pdf/Adobe Acrobat format.
- Logos – available for churches to use to promote CBAC events & programs.
The Online & Print Directories are designed to ease communication between the CBAC, accredited pastors, member churches, Associations, Regions, and agencies of the CBAC.
You are eligible for a password if you are:
- an Accredited Pastor with the CBAC (active or retired) (Ministry Openings & Directories);
- currently serving in senior or associate pastoral role in a member church – (if you are not accredited – Directories Only);
- church or Association clerk (Directories Only);
- church or Association treasurer (Directories Only);
- currently serving on Council or a CBAC committee or board (Directories Only);
- search committee chair (temporary access) (Ministry Openings & Directories); or
- CBAC staff (Ministry Openings & Directories).
If you fit one of these criteria and require a password, please contact our CBAC Communications. If you have a password, login using the link at the top of this page. (*Please note your role will determine what content you are able to view. Not everyone will be able to view ministry openings). If you have a password, login using the link at the top of this page.
After you are logged in you can navigate the menu to the right titled “Member Services“.