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Nothing can ever be 100% safe 100% of the time, but we must take important steps to become safer. We believe in a world that is looking for safer places your church needs to be a place where kids, teens, parents and the vulnerable feel safer. Here are a couple of ways you can do that.

To get you started we offer a sample child abuse response and prevention policy. The policy is the more legal document that you need. It is the broad strokes of what you are committing to do as a church.

However, beyond and in addition to the policy, the church still needs a PLAN on how they will make their church and programs safer for children, youth and the vulnerable in their care.

Due to the fact that each church is unique – they have unique ministries, different commitments, different boards and various configurations of staff & volunteers – rather than offer a sample protection plan we offer to guide you through the process of create a plan that is tailored to your church and what you and your people can reasonably agree to do in your context.

Basically, one of us would be willing to come and in an evening or afternoon get you started on writing your own plan that works for your church. We’d introduce you to the process of becoming a safer church, take your through looking at one of your main children/youth programs to show you the process of assessing the risks of that program and then coming up with the measures you’ll agree to take to make it safer and then outline the rest of the steps you’d need to take to create your own specific, work-able plan for your church. It is the best way to go up with a PLAN that makes your church safer.

If folks at your church are interested in having our help in the process, simply let us know. Email or call us!

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