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Rev. Dale Stairs Takes On New Role

Rev. Dale StairsAfter eight years of dedication and service, we sadly announce that Rev. Dale Stairs will leave his role as Director of Youth & Family Ministries with the CABC at the end of August. Dale will take on the new position as Director of the Bachelor of Theology program, a program offered in partnership with Crandall University and Acadia Divinity College.

Dale first joined the CABC team as Associate Director of Youth & Family Ministries in 2005 and then became the Director of the department in 2008. Since that time, Dale has given excellent and strong leadership to the CABC team, churches and youth leaders around the CABC. He has also provided leadership on the Canadian Baptist Youth Team and led teams internationally to Baptist World Youth events. He has helped to build the legacy of a strong and internationally recognized youth and family ministry. This is something we can be proud of.

When asked to reflect on his time with the CABC, here is what he had to say: “The eight years that I have spent serving with the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches have truly been wonderful years. Without a doubt one of the best parts has been the devoted and passionate followers of Christ I have been privileged to work with. It has been an honour to work with staff and the hundreds of volunteers who make it possible to do the many things that we accomplish together. I am humbled to think of the small part I have played in seeing the many life changing youth events such as Springforth, Tidal Impact and Potential Impact come together. I have loved the privilege of leading mission trips for families and youth, organizing training events for parents and church leaders as well as youth and children’s leaders. Above all else though, watching, helping and working alongside the hundreds of youth leaders from our convention family has been a personal highlight. God is continually doing wonderful things here in Atlantic Canadian youth ministry!”

Dale’s new role will be to direct a program that will offer students the opportunity to take a second degree concurrently with their Bachelor’s degree at Crandall University in virtually the same amount of time. The Bachelor of Theology degree will focus on providing lay ministry training and experience for emerging young leaders. Most of the instruction will take place on the Crandall University campus in Moncton NB with some instruction taking place in Wolfville NS. Dale commented on his new role: “I see the new opportunity that God has given me as a continuation of what I have invested my life in for the past years. As I take on leadership for a new program that will help our young adults follow God’s leading, I look forward to ongoing partnerships with the many leaders working with youth and young adults.” Check out Crandall University and ADC’s websites for more details on the program.

CABC Executive Minister Dr. Peter Reid had this to say: “Dale has been a role model and leader in Atlantic Canada, his influence has been felt at the national and international level and we will miss him as a valued member of the Senior Staff Team of Convention. At the same time we are excited about the possibilities of the new partnership between Crandall University and Acadia Divinity College and with Dale giving leadership in the new Bachelor of Theology program.”

While it is bittersweet that we say goodbye to Dale and will miss his influence and leadership at the CABC level, we are glad that he will remain in the CABC family. Please join with us as we pray God’s blessings for Dale and his family as they make this transition and enter into this exciting new opportunity.

3 Responses to “Rev. Dale Stairs Takes On New Role”

Paul BranscombeApril 12th, 2013 at 8:41 am

Congratulations Dale and all the best in your new position! CABC is definitely going to miss you.
So many new things going on at Crandall. I guess I will be seeing you more around campus now :)