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Fusion – A Missional Conversation

fusionI am thrilled to introduce you to fusi3on, a new blog we are launching to stimulate discussion and engagement around what we see as our mandate as a Convention family.

fusi3on captures the spirit of who we are and what we want to be about as churches in Atlantic Canada.

We have carefully chosen the following words bursting with potential (“i3”) as they are both descriptive and prescriptive about who we are and what we are about:

  • Impact Leaders
  • Infuse Culture
  • Ignite Mission

We really want to make certain that everything we do as staff aligns to focus on these three priorities as we strive together for

Healthy Churches – Missional Churches

First, we want to IMPACT LEADERS – we believe that spiritually and emotionally healthy, motivated, creative leaders (both pastors and lay people) in churches will impact Atlantic Canada for the greater good of the Kingdom of God. We want to be very intentional about resourcing and equipping both existing and emerging leaders.

Next, we want to INFUSE CULTURE – we intend to nurture and help create a culture of hospitality and community that permeates our churches and spills over into the villages, towns and cities where we live and serve. Together we can make our communities better by focussing on alleviating poverty, promoting justice for marginalized people and offering hospitality to all creating a beautiful inter-cultural mosaic.

Finally, it is our privilege to work with pastors and churches to IGNITE MISSION – to see more and more people and churches become passionate and creative in their mission to renew existing congregations, start satellite churches, plant new congregations and resurrect some churches that might currently be on life support. We want to come along side and learn from those who are already doing this and find ways to assist churches and Associations to expand the Kingdom of God and bring people to faith and radical discipleship in Jesus Christ.

Several of our staff will be contributing to this blog on a regular basis in order to stimulate interaction and discussion and, hopefully action on various aspects of our mission together. I am quite eager to embark on this journey together.

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