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Baptisms in Oxford

oxford-baptism-300pxAbout 85 people gathered on Sunday, March 9th, at Oxford United Baptist Church, to celebrate a blessed event – baptisms. In a wonderful worship service centred around the event, Dave and Margie led in worship singing prior to two groups of candidates being baptized by Rev. Chris Greer.

The first two were sisters who grew up in Little River, Marnie (Moore) Gilroy and Theresa (Moore) McLaughlin. After a second season of worship, Rev. Chris Greer baptized three adherents of Oxford Baptist Church, Lorraine McCormick, and Kim and Carter Betts.

Assisting with the candidates were Wendy Newman, Barb Doncaster and Rufus Black. Rufus also led part of the service while Rev. Greer changed. Rev. Greer spoke for a few moments on Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, reminding those present that God is very concerned about individuals. After the moving service, the candidates were welcomed and many stayed around for an extended time of fellowship.

Photo: l to r: Kim Betts, Carter Betts, Marnie Gilroy, Rev. Chris Greer, Theresa McLaughlin, Lorraine McCormick

– Submitted by Rev. Chris Greer

[Note: We love to hear what’s happening at your church. Share your stories with us whether it’s baptisms, good news stories, missional activity in your community, or what God is doing to change lives. It’s all about inspiring other churches and celebrating what God is doing. These are kingdom stories and deserve to be shared. Email the details and pictures to our Communications Manager, Andrew Myers:]

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