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CBAC Announces Resignation of Joel Murphy


Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020—The Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) announced today that Joel Murphy will complete his ministry as Associate Director of Youth & Family Ministries effective January 31st, 2021.

Joel joined the CBAC team in May 2019 and provided stable leadership for the Youth & Family department as it was going through a transition for its Director position. Joel’s compelling leadership has been vital for the season of COVID-19 challenges that all of our next-gen ministries have faced. The Youth & Family team and our entire CBAC staff will miss his empathy-driven approach to ministry and leadership. Our CBAC family has felt the impact of Joel’s commitment to championing the capabilities and roles of young people in our churches. Recently, Joel’s work in launching Undercurrent, a new initiative and event for the summer of 2021, has set the tone for working with youth and young adults to plan a major event. The CBAC is grateful for his service with us and wishes him all the best in his future endeavours.

Joel is refocusing on his PhD in Educational Studies at Acadia University, and will continue in his part-time role as Research Intern at the Centre for Employment Innovation at St. Francis Xavier University.

Dan Pyke (CBAC’s Director of Youth & Family) said, “It has been a pleasure to work with Joel over the last year. He has brought incredible insight to our team and has been instrumental in strengthening our commitment to seek out and listen to youth voices. His education and experience have been instrumental as he formed the Undercurrent Executive team and led the process that has seen us launching Undercurrent for summer 2021. I will miss his contributions to our team, and I’m thankful for the Undercurrent initiative that he is leaving with us.”

Joel shared this statement as part of today’s announcement: “While my time with the CBAC was not long, I am leaving the role of Associate Director of Youth & Family with appreciation and gratitude. I am grateful for the opportunity to work, support, and learn from amazing people across Atlantic Canada and am hopeful to continue to support the work of the CBAC in different ways going forward. We are better when we work together and I am thankful for the opportunities to have been a part of that work.”



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