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Educational Tours to Israel

jerusalemGoing to the Holy Land is a trip many believers would love to make. It would be amazing to walk where Jesus walked, sail on the Sea of Galilee, and tour the caves of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

In May of 2016, two excellent opportunities are available to you – one from Crandall University/Kingswood University (May 10-18) and the other from Acadia Divinity College (May 17-28). Choose from either of these dates (or since they overlap, why not do both?).

Here are the details:

One Response to “Educational Tours to Israel”

John CampbellJanuary 16th, 2016 at 7:35 pm

Just to clarify, the Acadia Divinity College tour is not necessarily an educational tour. There are two courses that are optional to add to your experience, however the tour is primarily one of discovering and experiencing the Holy Land. You do not need to be a student or even take the course to be a part of this life changing journey.