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Mission Camp Goes Global

camp-t-mission-camp-2013This is our second year doing this Mission Camp (May 30-June 2) and I am really excited with how God is piecing all the details together.  We have a great group of special speakers lined up for the weekend.  Our Keynote address on Friday evening will be led by Paul Carline.  I am sure you are all aware of the work that Paul is now doing with CBM and our own Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches.  Paul will be sharing on the work he is doing in the area of Intercultural ministry and he will be bringing some special guests (newcomers to Saint John) to tell their stories and answer any questions we might have.

On Saturday evening our Keynote address will be made by Rael Marona.  Rael is a Kenyan woman (Masai) who works as a project officer for Canada Foodgrains Bank.  She is visiting the Maritimes for a couple of months and we were able to book her as our guest for Saturday evening.  She will share from her heart, some of the many things that God is doing in Kenya through the work of CFGB and Canadian Baptist Ministries as their partner. We have a number of other small workshops that will explore various aspects of both local & global missions that are sure to lead us into great discussions.

For the second consecutive summer we will be planting pumpkins in our upper fields to help feed the hungry of the world.  On Saturday afternoon (June 1st) we will take to the field and get our hands dirty.  With the help of Ken Reicker (Sussex Valley Vegetable Farms) we will plant pumpkin seeds in the soil and pray God’s blessing on them that they will take root and grow and that the harvest will be plentiful.  Last year we planted approximately 1 acres of pumpkins and sold them for donations in the fall at harvest time.  We raised over $2000 and when matched with CIDA’s arrangement of 4:1 with CFGB that is a contribution of over $10,000 to help end world hunger.  This year we hope to grow more pumpkins and raise even more money.

The cost to attend the whole weekend is $60 + HST.  However, if individuals only want to come for Saturday the cost is $30 + HST (includes all activities & meals).  If individuals want to come only for an evening Keynote session we will simply have a basket for donations.  To register or more info, check out the website:

Submitted by Michael Waddell, Director, Camp Tulakadik

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