Motion 312

On February 6, 2012, MP Stephen Woodworth filed Motion 312 requesting that Parliament form a special committee to review Canada’s legislative definition of a “human being”. This is a really important discussion which has implications on a number of fronts.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) provides some excellent resources on this issue on their webpage: The CABC is an affiliate member of the EFC.

Also of interest as you think about this issue, especially as it relates to abortion, is a CBC timeline of significant milestones in the abortion debate from 1892-2009 –

Is it time that we have a serious and reasonable debate in Canada about these issues? How can we engage positively and effectively in such a debate?

For stats and other information on abortion in Canada, see It may surprise you to read that the total number of reported abortions performed in Canada between 1974 and 2010 is over 3 million! And, I think it is fair to say that many Canadians – from across the political, religious and economic spectrum – are not satisfied with the current legislation on this issue.

It certainly seems like a good time to decide what being “human” really means.

– Dr. Lois Mitchell, CABC Dir. of Public Witness & Social Concern
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