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Neighbourhood Assessment Workbook

How many of us have lived in the same place for years without really knowing our neighbours? Think about our churches – our church buildings can be at the centre of our communities; our neighbours drive by it often. Do we really know our neighbours around the church?

It’s easy for us to stay within our walls and speculate what are neighbours are like and what they might need. But do we truly know the needs of our neighbours? For us to know where God is working in our neighbourhoods and how to best love our neighbours, we’ve got some hard work to do.

We’ve got something to help you and your church with that! The CBAC Youth & Family Team has developed a resource called the Neighbourhood Assessment Workbook. This is a resource and tool for the whole church that will help you assess and understand your church and neighbourhood and help see where God is moving and calling your team.

The goal is to help you understand your neighbourhood and begin discerning what it might look like for your congregation to get outside the walls of your church more faithfully to join God in your neighbourhoods.

Below are a couple of intro videos from Dr. Peter Reid and (former Youth & Family Director) Rev. Renee Embree. Also you van view and download a copy of the PDF. We also have print copies available for you to use ($5/copy to cover print and postage). Contact our office for details on how to get yours. This resource will be on the CBAC website along with the CBAC Youth & Family website.

If you have follow up questions or would like some help walking though this, please contact our office.

Download (PDF, 2.74MB)

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