New Associate Director of Youth & Family

Since October 2018, we have been looking for an individual to join our CBAC ministry team and family of churches as Associate Director of Youth and Family. To this end a Search Committee prayerfully advertised, networked, read resumes and conducted interviews.

It is with great joy that we announce today that Joel Murphy will be joining our staff in May as our half-time Associate Director of Youth and Family.

Joel comes to us with a background in youth ministry and young adult training with experience in discipleship and mentoring, event planning, as well as developing, writing and implementing resources, programs and curriculum for student leaders.

Here is what Joel says, “I have two deeply rooted passions. One is that I am passionate about developing young people and helping them become their ‘best selves’. This I believe is intimately connected with their understanding of themselves, who God is, and who God made them to be. My second passion is equipping not only young people for success, but also families and those working directly with young people.”

His practical and extensive experience began at Kingswood Camp in Nova Scotia and has ranged through Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Youth Leadership Camps and Tim Horton Children’s Foundation to name a few. Joel has a Bachelor of Theology from Acadia, a Master of Arts from Saint Mary’s and is currently a Ph.D student at Acadia University.

Joel is humbled to be joining the CBAC and CBACyf team, hopeful, excited to learn from and partner with staff and volunteers across Atlantic Canada, and full of anticipation to see where God will lead. “I truly believe the CBAC has a unique opportunity to be an example of how churches, communities, and camps can partner together to live and share the gospel.”

“I am very excited about Joel joining the CBAC team,” Rev. Renée Embree, (former CBAC Director of Youth and Family) affirms. “I truly believe Joel will help us take this ministry to the next level. Joel’s passion for people, ministry and neighbourhoods is contagious and will push us in joining God in our neighbourhoods. His skill for leadership development, helping people become their best selves in God, is exactly what we need as leaders in this region. Joel’s rich experiencing in camping ministry, planning, and with children, youth and young adults makes him the perfect fit for this role. Welcome Joel to this role, and into our CBAC ministries, churches, neighbourhoods and homes.”

Rev. Dr. Peter Reid, CBAC Executive Minister commented, “I believe that Joel’s experience, education and his ability are an exciting match for our Youth and Family Team. Joel will bring great relationship skills and excellent Leadership Development expertise to the CBAC. We think he will be an integral part of our entire team and will be used of God to help us fulfill our goals! It is a privilege to commend Joel to our CBAC family!”

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