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New Associate Executive Minister

kevin-sandra-vincent-300px-02We are excited to announce that Rev. Kevin Vincent has been approved by CABC Council to serve as the new Associate Executive Minister for the CABC. Kevin will direct the Centre for New Congregations (, encouraging and training individuals and churches to engage in mission and evangelism here in Atlantic Canada. Pending approval by CABC churches, beginning May 4th Kevin will be serving in a part-time capacity while continuing to lead Atlantic Community Church part-time.

He grew up in LA (more commonly referred to as Lower Apohaqui, NB). He graduated from Crandall University with a BA in Biblical Studies and Acadia Divinity College with a Masters of Divinity degree. Kevin has capably has served on various boards and committees within the CABC and in his community, completed the Arrow Leadership Program, and has served on the national board of Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. In 2013 Kevin was the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award from Acadia Divinity College.

Kevin served in youth ministry for 10 years at First Baptist Church (Dartmouth NS) before returning to his hometown in 1996 to re-plant the tiny Apohaqui Baptist Church. Since that time, the church has grown to a congregation of 550-650 people who worship and serve each week from two locations (Apohaqui and Hampton).

Kevin is married to Sandra, and they have three children – Emily and Jeremy are both at Crandall University, and Joshua will graduate from Sussex High School in 2015. Kevin loves everything sports related including running, road cycling, boating and tennis in the summer, as well as hockey, alpine skiing and snowshoeing in the winter. He knows that the Montreal Canadians have no equal and understands that there are those who have yet to have seen that light!

“I am thrilled that Kevin will be joining our team. He brings with him incredible leadership skills and he has a proven track record of re-planting and revitalizing a dying church in a very rural area of New Brunswick”, says CABC Executive Minister Dr. Peter Reid. “Kevin is innovative and a change agent; he is great at networking and has the respect of our constituency. His vision for renewal is infectious and he will bring a very dynamic and fresh perspective to our staff team. I believe there are great days ahead!”

We asked Kevin to share his thoughts about coming into this role: “These are critical days for the Church in our region and for the CABC. Rearranging the furniture, purchasing new speakers and installing a better video projector are not our issues. If we are to survive as a denomination and thrive as we move into the future, critical change MUST take place. It will take an attitude of deep humility, and a willingness to choose the pain of change that leads to life. We have a new generation of young Christ-followers full of passion for Jesus and ready to reach our region if we support them, release them and cheerlead them to the finish! Together we CAN!”

Please pray for Kevin as he transitions into this new role and provides key leadership to our churches here in Atlantic Canada.

According to our General Operating Bylaw (, all Senior Staff positions must be ratified by the member churches of the CABC (Section 6). Normally we would wait until Oasis in August to vote but we are using a provision in the Bylaw – Section 6.03(d)(ii) – that allows churches to vote on Senior Staff and then submit the church’s vote in writing to the Executive Minister. Each church will be receiving a letter outlining the process and deadline to submit their vote. In order for it to pass, a 75% affirmative vote is required from reporting member churches. Here is the link to that letter:

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