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Thanks Marion!

Marion JamerIn September 2010, Rev. Marion Jamer started a contract position as Family Ministries Coordinator within the Youth and Family Ministries Department of our Convention, and she very quickly became a valued member of the team! Marion’s primary areas of responsibility were the coordination of family mission experiences, and Link (Clergy Teen Retreat), partnerships in parenting and marriage training, and acting as the liaison with the Refresh Ministry Wives Retreat planning team. Over the past two years she has served in her role with excellence, and has now decided to continue her ministry in other areas.

During her time with us, we rejoiced with Marion as she was ordained by Hantsport Baptist Church, we celebrated as she led a number of very successful family mission trips, and we enjoyed working with her and developing that friendship. Never one to take it easy, Marion is currently working on a D. Min. from Acadia Divinity College, serving as chaplain for the Hantsport Fire Department, the RCMP, and as Community Pastor with Hantsport Baptist Church. She has even agreed to continue to direct Link Clergy Teen Retreat for the coming year! Reflecting on her time serving the Convention, Marion says “What a blessing I have received from my time with Youth and Family! Working with the CABC staff has been a joy, and I look forward to continuing my connection with our Convention in a variety of ways, especially with the awesome Link Clergy Teens.”

An announcement will be made soon about the staffing adjustment that will be necessary to fill the significant gap that has been left by Marion’s departure.

One Response to “Thanks Marion!”

IngridNovember 30th, 2012 at 4:47 am

God bless you and your future studies and ministry, Marion. I am very sure you, and Dan, are a wonderful and positive reflection of the Lord’s love in your community and wherever you find yourselves.