Highfield Parish Nursing Meets Real Needs

Sylvia Drew, Bev Haines, Yvonne Comeau

Sylvia Drew, Bev Haines, Yvonne Comeau


Eloise Bannister at Highfield Baptist, Moncton, NB is part of Parish Nursing Ministries, a non-denominational program in churches across the country caring for the sick and needy. Eloise, along with Jane Manuel and Sylvia Drew, provide a listening ear, advocacy, liaison with the pastor and practical support. They have organized “Caring Hands Ministry” that involves many volunteers from their church. The ministry provides transportation ministry, “Men With Tool Belts” who do odd jobs, telephone ministry to shut-ins, food ministry, library of practical, spiritual and medical resources, and other support groups.


Yvonne Comeau, cancer survivor, shares her story. She writes, “Some people see this as a committee, I see smiling encouragers, whom I call my sisters. What they did for me through many months of struggle with cancer recovery were numerous.


“… They came to my home, met my family and listened. I felt comfort and safety talking with Eloise. I found out quickly they were very capable and confident in helping me. Taking on whatever burden I had, they made it theirs as well. “What can we do?” was repeated over and over. Sometimes it was groceries, driving me to appointments, paying bills or just a cup of tea. The best was when I stayed overnight at one of their homes and so was able to go to church the next day. Another time one swept floors and made biscuits while I read aloud. They helped with the loneliness and nagging fears in my heart. You see, being ill takes so much of your life, you feel it has stopped or you are in slow motion.


Jane Manuel, Eloise Bannister, Sylvia Drew

Jane Manuel, Eloise Bannister & Sylvia Drew


“My walking was becoming difficult after treatments. I found myself using a cane. Difficult days with lots more worry. The steps to my home were very bad. “Men with Tool Belts” arrived one rainy Sat. morning. As I stood on my lawn, I prayed openly with them, thanking God for the task they were willing to do. A new set of steps was done with modifications needed for me. Praise the Lord.”


“Since I am a giving person, I wanted to give back some of the goodness God had given me and decided to work with the ladies by way of phone calling seniors in the church family.”


“In conclusion, I can say that every church should have such a gift as Highfield has; people who can give simple caring advice that is easy to follow. God does care. Even in my “wonky” days they loved me.”

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