Ministry to Children

Rev. Daniel Walton

Each year at Jemseg Baptist Church we do a special ministry project as part of our VBS program. We’ve been blessed to have a food bank almost within sight of our facilities, The Good Samaritan Food Bank. Each year we set a goal to reach for the VBS participants to help with our food bank. Pastor Dan has to do something silly or dress in a crazy costume if the goal has been reached. This past year our children brought in at least $2000.00 worth of food in just five days!! Many lives were blessed in that endeavour. As a result, Pastor Dan had to dress as a baby in a diaper, bonnet, with a bottle while being pushed in a “carriage”.

We’re in the process of developing plans for the summer of 2011. What will happen this time? Ministry to children and youth is an important part of what any church family does. The connections we make through ministry, no matter how silly they may seem, begin laying the groundwork for relationships with Christ. Please pray for us as we continue with this ministry.

At the beginning of the winter we also did Winter Clothing Redistribution. The economic downturn affects everyone. People were very generous with their contributions. Families were helped and left over items were donated to community causes. God opened doors through the process, many we might not even be aware of yet. We want to encourage you to step beyond your comfort zone to serve Christ in new ways as you minister to children and their families in your community. God bless you!

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