Moving Forward in Faith (Part 1)

hillsborough-baptistArriving in Hillsborough this past summer was a kind of homecoming for our family. After years of prayer and frankly some personal resistance, we collectively discerned the will of God and knew the call back to Albert County was right for “such a time as this”.

And what a time it is! As followers of God, saved by Jesus’ sacrifice, led by His Spirit desiring to do nothing less than the will of the Father we have come to a season of tremendous change and great challenge.

hillsborough-ncdI see four major changes happening at HBC:

  • Natural Church Development process;
  • Becoming incorporated as an organization;
  • The move to a new site and facility; and
  • The deepening of our prayer experience.

In this and upcoming articles, we want to share about each of these and how they are impacting us as a Church.

First is in the area of intentional evaluation. Having begun several years ago the discovery process through Natural Church Development (NCD), HBC has been brave enough to “examine ourselves” and seek to intentionally fulfill the Great Commandment and Great Commission. Through these we are working to raise the eight measurable quality characteristics of our Christian experience collectively.

The Eight Quality Characteristics are as follows:

  1. Holistic Small Groups
  2. Gift Based Ministry
  3. Empowering Leadership
  4. Effective Structures
  5. Passionate Spirituality
  6. Loving Relationships
  7. Need Oriented Evangelism
  8. Inspiring Worship Services

Over the next several years, we will continue to work together to do what it takes in the soil of our hearts to make conditions on our part that allow God to do the work of making us grow in the way only He can do. We all have personal stones and weeds that we must address ourselves – without throwing our stones or pulling other peoples weeds in judgement or condemnation.

With patience, the seeds of God’s Word planted in our Church, Community and World bring change one life at a time!

Watch for part two coming soon!

Submitted by Rev. Tim Johnson, Senior Pastor, Hillsborough Baptist Church
Part 1 of 4

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