New Find-A-Church Feature

find a churchWe’ve just launched a new Find a Church feature! Click here to use it: If you allow Google Maps to know your location, it will show you the 25 churches closest to you including contact info and directions. Want to know about churches in another area? Type in that city, town or village. This is so people can find your church.

We do need your help working the bugs out. We did the best we could in finding your church on Google Maps. We searched long and hard even virtually travelling up and down the roads. In fact there were a few churches we just could’t find. We assume that all our churches want to be found – otherwise why are we there? For people looking for a church near them, we don’t want to direct them to an empty field or the local dump.

Here’s what we need:

  1. Search for your church – type in the name of city or town where your church is.
  2. Contact info – is this correct?
  3. Physical location – is this correct? Is the pin in the right place?

If there are changes needed, email and tell us what’s missing.

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