New Senior Staff Announced

The Council of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches is pleased to announce four of the five names of the candidates for the senior staff positions. Several months ago, the Council formed a search committee who received several applications for the available positions. Through much prayer and diligent scrutiny, the search committee presented the names to Council for approval. As a result, these names will be brought to the assembly at Oasis 2012 (August 22-25 at Crandall University in Moncton, NB) for discussion and vote. We are currently in discussions with the fifth candidate and hope to have an announcement soon.

The Council is pleased to present:

  • Rev. Greg Jones – Associate Executive Minister
    • Greg has served in churches in our Convention. More recently he has served as Director of Development at Regional Minister (Region VI) for the Convention. Greg is currently working on his Doctor of Ministries degree from Acadia Divinity College.
  • Rev. Dr. Garth Williams – Associate Executive Minister
    • Garth worked on a three church field and then in one rural church during the early years of his ministry career before spending thirteen years at Union Street Atlantic Baptist Church in St. Stephen, NB. Garth completed his Doctorate of Ministry degree in 2003, specializing in preaching from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.
  • Rev. Cheryl Ann Beals – Director of Spiritual Formation & Clergy Care
    • Cheryl Ann has served as the pastor of Victoria Road United Baptist Church, of the African United Baptist Association, since June 2008. She is presently working on her Doctor of Ministry degree at Acadia Divinity College in the area of spiritual leadership and spiritual formation.
  • Mr. Paul Carline – Director of Ethnic Ministries
    • Paul pastored the Smithtown, Salt Springs and Titusville Baptist Churches from 1989 to 1995. The Carlines were then appointed as Global Field Staff with Canadian Baptist Ministries returning to Canada in 2012. Paul has studied at Prairie Bible College, Moody Graduate School and Carey Theological College.

Executive Minister Dr. Peter Reid reflects on the names approved by Council: “I am very thrilled about the people who are being recommended to the delegates as our new Senior Staff Team. I feel like God is going before us and preparing the way for an exciting new chapter in the life of our Convention. I am really looking forward to working with the new team, I see the right mix of skills, gifts, leadership, experience and passion for God’s Kingdom in our new Senior Staff Team and I believe there are great days ahead.”

More complete biographies will follow.

One Response to “New Senior Staff Announced”

Lee McDonaldSeptember 8th, 2012 at 2:53 pm

Dear Peter,

Thank you for the fine work you are doing and for letting me know what is going on. I know all of these appointees and am sure that they will do a great job for you. I hope that you are also doing well and enjoying the ministry that God has given to you! Many blessings and thank you for including me in this posting!


Lee Martin McDonald