Potential Impact 2013 Recap

potential-impact-2013Potential Impact took place earlier this month at Camp Wildwood. This invitation-only event for grade 12 students is the result of a partnership between Acadia Divinity College and the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches.

Students connected to CABC churches are nominated by a pastor or youth leader and are then invited to attend a weekend retreat on the topic of God’s call, discipleship and discernment.

This year, 17 students gathered at Camp Wildwood for an amazing weekend of worship, practicing spiritual disciplines, and hearing from challenging speakers. The Lord was at work in the lives of these students and 16 of them have signed up for the Potential Impact Challenge.

This challenge includes signing up for a seven month mentoring relationship as students complete their grade 12 year. During this time, students and mentors will meet regularly for prayer and discussion and will also work together through the book, The Life You’ve Always Wanted by John Ortberg.

It will be exciting to watch these young women and men live out God’s call in their lives along whatever paths He leads them.

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