President’s New Year’s Message

Daniel Walton

CABC President Rev. Daniel Walton

Happy New Year! Friends, I can hardly believe that another year is behind us. It seems a year just begins and ends before we even know it. In the midst of the rush, God has certainly blessed us!

This past year has seen some major changes for us as a denomination. Not only have we seen our family embrace major changes at Oasis last August in relation to our new staffing structure, we have seen very successful ministry happen through our staff during a period of question and change. God has been good to us!

Although we said good bye to Regional Ministry, we have begun the process of preparing for a new and exciting way to do ministry. I’m excited about the possibilities this places before us. I’m especially excited about looking at things in a different way with the possibility of seeing new churches and congregations.

We are finalizing the process to begin searching for new staff. As you know we will be developing positions for our Director of Spiritual Formation and Clergy Care, Director of Ethnic Ministries and our three new Associate Executive Ministers. I realize this change will cause anxiety for many people. Please be assured that we are not overlooking this fact and we are taking steps to address concerns. I ask that you continue to pray with us about this. Please pray for our Council as we give leadership in this time of change.

If I could see one thing happen during my time as President, it would be to see some of our changes come to completion and see improvement in our finances. We’ve had a few years that have really reshaped the way we will do ministry; seeing the implementation of these processes and the changes complete will be a delight and embark us on a new chapter of our ministry together.

Thank you to those of you who have become official prayer partners with us in our “Group of Seven” and to those who pray for us on their own. We would love to have you as part of this official team of prayer warriors. Please consider being a part of this. If you would like to join us, please e-mail me at and I would be glad to add you to our list.

I would also like to express gratitude to our Council and Staff for their dedicated work. This coming year will continue to be a delight to work with you as we serve our family together!

Blessings as we serve!

Daniel Walton signature

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