Shediac Bay Community Church

Shediac Bay Community Church

Shediac Bay Community Church

We are shifting into “overdrive” these next few months as we head into the homestretch – only 23 weeks ’till our new ministry centre will be finished!

We are making some bold moves to truly capitalize on the excitement and momentum, including a huge move to capitalize on the Shediac Summer Surge.

First, we are moving out of our temporary location at the United Church at the end of May.

Second, starting on the first Sunday in June through to September 5th, we will be worshipping in a huge tent on the land next to the New Ministry Centre. We have acquired the use of this significant sized tent for the summer months of June, July and August. During this time, we will enjoy Summer Sunday Worship under the Big-Top as well as Big-Top Kids Summer Camp during July and August. All our ministries and events will be held at this new location, on Roy Mollins Drive, beside the construction of the new ministry centre (behind Frenchy’s).

Third, we are extremely excited about these bold moves which, in the next few weeks and months, will garner media attention as we blitz the local area, as well as the Moncton Area and Maritimes with our Big-Top Summer Campaign.

Fourth, we also made another significant decision as it pertains to our name and identity. As of June 5th, in addition to worshipping in a new location, we will have a new name. We voted today, March 28th, to revisit the name change and it was decided that as of June 5th, 2010 we will be named Shediac Bay Community Church. Under our name on letterhead and websites, etc, will be the statement that we are “A proud member of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches.

A few notes of thanks:

  • Thank you to the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches for their continued support and faith in our ministry here in Shediac.
  • Thank you to The Atlantic District of the Wesleyan Church for the use of their tent.
  • Thank you to the leadership team and members of Shediac Baptist Church for their prayers and bold faith.
  • Thank you to Dr. John Weiler for his support.

We would appreciate your prayers and support as we pick up the pace these next few months.

In His Service,

Pastor Brock Symonds

One Response to “Shediac Bay Community Church”

brock symondsJuly 27th, 2012 at 8:53 am

I spoke to you recently regarding the Fall tour of Gabriel Trio from Edmonton and haven’t heard back from you. As the dates are filling up I wanted to know what your decision is regarding their concert. You were to discuss this in a meeting and get back to me.
There is no charge, just a free will offering to help cover their expenses. The concert is a great outreach and will draw those in who might not otherwise attend your church. They are very good as I have attended several concerts and enjoyed and was blessed every minute.
Please let me know if you are interested as we are trying to finalize the dates so the posters can be printed.
Thank you very much.
Say hello to John for me.
Gail ( Somers ) Goodwin