Springforth 2011 Registration Now Open!


Excitement is building as preparations continue for Springforth on May 13 & 14th! We anticipated that hundreds of youth and leaders from across our Convention will once again travel to Moncton to participate in the 29th annual Springforth. One of the largest youth gatherings in Atlantic Canada, Springforth is three events in one – middle school track (emphasis on evangelism), high school track (emphasis on discipleship) and leaders track (training). This event is helped made possible through the partial sponsorship by our Convention’s United in Mission Fund. Groups can now register at www.baptist-atlantic.ca/springforth!

Theme: This year the theme is THIRST. The image of water and thirst is found throughout scripture (Psalm 63:1; Isaiah 55:1; John 4:14). Without water in our day to day life, we will eventually kill our bodies. Without God in our lives, our spiritual lives are dead.

Challenging Speakers: We are excited to have Dave Overholt as the High School speaker and the male relationship facilitator; his daughter Karra Overholt as the Senior High female relationship facilitator; Tim Houck as our Middle School speaker; and Dr. Gary Nelson as our leader’s speaker.

Engaging Worship: Worship will be led by Atlantic at the Middle School site and Life Support at the High School site.

Use Your Gifts: There are opportunities for youth to participate and use their gifts through the High School Film Festival, High School Arts Fest as well as through the internship program. Springforth continues to expand and provide new opportunities for both youth and leaders to grow, to be challenged and to serve. We are looking forward to how God will continue to move at this event.

Atlantic Baptist Youth: Also, 2011 is an election year for the Atlantic Baptist Youth executive. Youth who are between the ages of 15-28 are invited to apply to serve on this executive which provides opportunities for young people to SERVE the youth of this region, to CONNECT with other Christian leaders, and to LEAD at a regional level. Application deadline is March 15th, 2011.

Offering: Students at Springforth 2010 gave near $4100 in their offerings to support three different projects. This year, both the middle school and high school site will raise funds for the same project through The Sharing Way, the Canadian Baptist Ministries Relief and Development department. The money raised at Springforth 2011 (THIRST) will go to help support a Shallow Well in a community in the Eastern Province of Kenya that would benefit 100 homes (600 individuals). We need to raise $3052 for this well – for every $1 donated, you will help supply one week of clean water to one household of 6 people (during the dry season).

Continue to check out the Springforth website (www.baptist-atlantic.ca/springforth) for updated information and don’t forget to register by April 29th, 2011 in order to receive the registration price of $40 per person. After April 29th, 2011 the price is $50 per person.

Springforth is an event that could never happen without those who are part of the planning teams, the Atlantic Baptist Youth Executive (https://baptist-atlantic.ca/aby), as well as the many volunteers who assist, and the generosity of the Moncton-area churches that open their doors to provide free accommodations for groups who travel to Moncton for Springforth. Thank-you for your hard work and we look forward to see everyone in Moncton on May 13th, 2011!

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