The Well (recap)

The Well Logo FinalIn ancient times, the well was a gathering place in the community for people to collect water. It was also a place for relationships and conversation that might even lead to a transforming experience. At least that’s what John tells us in his gospel about Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman.

January 18-20, 2013 was the first weekend for “The Well” – a young adult retreat for those aged 18-25ish that was initiated by the Convention’s Youth & Family Department. the-well-2013-3Although the setting was a little different from first century Samaria (hosted at Camp Wildwood), some of the same themes were just as present for 50 young adults from all four Atlantic provinces (including Newfoundland!).

And it was a fantastic weekend.

the-well-2013-4If you go to collect water, you make sure you remember to bring something to put the water in. You bring a jug or a pail or a bucket. Over the weekend we wanted to pour water into two main “buckets” that would define the experience: worship and community. Those two things were the starting point from which the whole weekend was shaped. When we start with worship, we start with the proper focus. Community gives us a place to work through issues, explore and discover new things and find encouragement.

the-well-2013-5Over the weekend, John Campbell encouraged and challenged the group with insights from stories about Elijah, The Rich Young Ruler and Mary & Martha. Perhaps the most impactful aspect of the weekend, however, was the “circles” (small groups). It’s one thing to hear from the Scriptures and be challenged, but being able to talk through the implications of what you’ve heard in the context of community is very powerful. These times were marked by a real sense of connectedness and many shared how they came to realize the things that needed to change in their relationship with God and with others.

the-well-2013-1By all reports, the weekend was “well” received and those who were there are “pumped” about seeing it happen again. This kind of thing can be very “refreshing” at this pivotal point in life and I’m looking forward to where it’s all headed for 2014. It’s an exciting time to be involved in ministry with and to young adults, and God is certainly using them to bring about transformation right here.


Mitchell DeWare leads “The Well” with his wife Carolyn, Danielle MacDonald, John Campbell and Jody Linkletter.

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