Tidal Impact 2011


Tidal Impact 2011 begins Saturday with the kick off rally in Fredericton. Over a thousand youth will converge on Fredericton and Woodstock for a week of mission and ministry that will leave a lasting impact for all those involved and the communities. Please pray for the teams as they travel to Tidal Impact and pray that God will move in the hearts of the people they will come in contact with.

The guest speaker for the kick off rally is our own Rev. Lennett Anderson. Dave Currie will be speaking at the Woodstock rallies with Life Support leading worship, and Duffy Robbins will be at the Fredericton rallies with the Mike Janzen Band leading worship. Visiting teams will partner with host churches to participate in local ministry and work projects. And a highlight of the week will be a blitz of Fredericton and Woodstock in a Food Drive with invitations for people to attend the public rally on Friday night.

For schedules and more information, visit https://baptist-atlantic.ca/tidalimpact. For updates on the event, watch the Youth & Family’s Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/CABCyf) or follow the twitter feeds posted below and on the Tidal Impact site (https://baptist-atlantic.ca/tidalimpact).

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