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Uniquely Positioned

Church-Plant-Ad-web-smPrior to becoming President of Kingswood University, Dr. Mark Gorveatte spent ten years spearheading a church planting movement as a District Superintendent for the Wesleyan Church in the United States. They planted 22 churches in ten years, 20 of these churches are still thriving today with a combined membership of 4500 people.

In November, Mark shared honestly and passionately with Convention Council and at least twice said something that I believe may be a prophetic word to us. He said,

“I believe God has positioned the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches uniquely to be reaching people for Christ and for building the Kingdom of God in Atlantic Canada.”

Mark talked about the need for:

  • Entrepreneurial, Expansionist leaders who see the potential and are not afraid to take risks.
  • A Vision aligned with the heart and desire of God.
  • Focus – we can’t do everything well but need to ask the question, “What won’t get done if we don’t do it?”
  • Engagement – we need pastors and leaders from churches across Atlantic Canada who will become involved in listening to the voice of God and partnering with one another in missional ways.
  • A Process whereby we can identify, recruit, assess, equip and resource those who have a heart for Church Planting and Renewal.

At Oasis 2011, we adopted a bold new vision for 65 new congregations in Atlantic Canada by 2025. To some this seems like a pipe dream, to others it is an exciting challenge. Will you pray with us that many people will prayerfully see the need and take on this challenge? Please note the advertisement for the upcoming conference with Ed Stetzer. More information here:

“I believe if we do not take up this call for church planting, missional initiatives and church renewal, God will raise up others who will be obedient. We are on the cusp of something great here in Atlantic Canada. This conference will help us in equipping people and churches to move into their communities and see the potential for growth in the Kingdom of God.” – Dr. Peter Reid, Executive Minister

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