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Fantastic Fun Night

Posted February 17th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Cambridge Baptist Church (NS) wanted to do something special to help “kick start” the fall season and to celebrate and give thanks for our many blessings. Over the past few months the church has made great strides in restoring, strengthening and building relationships and has… Read More »

The New Old: Thoughts on Rebranding

Posted February 11th, 2014 - Read Article - 4 Comments - Leave a Response

Traditionalists say:  What’s the CABC coming to?!  No more Regional Ministers?  New staff and website?  And now new slogans and catchwords like “Healthy Churches. Missional Churches.” Well, that’s not too weird, but what about “Fusi3on” (I had to take a tutorial just to type it) and… Read More »

The Well 2014 Recap

Posted February 3rd, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

“Our mission is to make God famous in the world – and we do that by loving one another.” – Mark Sypher (The Well, 2014) This year, Bayside Camp played host to The Well – a ministry initiative of the CABC Youth & Family Ministries… Read More »

CBM Atlantic Office

Posted January 28th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Message from the Atlantic Rep, Alden Crain: Many of you know by now that as the new CBM Atlantic Rep I am working out of a home office. I apologize for any confusion this has caused. Many thanks to the staff at the CABC Office… Read More »

World Acadian Congress 2014

Posted January 21st, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

The World Acadian Congress 2014 (Congrès Mondial Acadien / CMA) is happening in Madawaska, NB August 8-24, 2014. At least 50,000 visitors are expected for this every-five-year cultural festival and homecoming. Just south of the Edmundston epicenter lies the village of Ste-Anne-de-Madawaska and the Église… Read More »

Stroke of Blessing

Posted January 17th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

It was a difficult but ultimately a blessed summer for Dr. Greg Maillet, Coordinator of Basketball at Crandall University. Coming off a season in which he lead the Charger’s Men’s Basketball team to the ACAA semifinals (after previously leading them to the league final in… Read More »

Christmas Fall-Out

Posted January 9th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

“Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Isa. 43:18-19. Relax, Christmas is over for another year! How was your holiday season? Hopefully it was peace filled… Read More »

360 Degree Perspective

Posted January 3rd, 2014 - Read Article - 2 Comments - Leave a Response

I hope your Christmas celebrations were meaningful and that you were blessed as you welcomed Emmanuel—”God with us”. We are now at the beginning of a New Year. What a great opportunity to reflect on the old and the new. What did we learn in… Read More »

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