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Easter Baptisms – Part 3

Here’s part 3 of our Easter Sunday baptism series. This one was sent in by Rev. Darryl Dykens, Senior Pastor of Cambridge Baptist Church in Cambridge, NS.

“What an amazing God we serve! When God moves, He moves! God is in the house here at Cambridge United Baptist Church, Kings County, NS. He is blessing us more and more everyday.”

We have had exciting movement in the last eight months. In May 2016, we saw a young man go to Springforth and give his life to Christ! He then be asked to be baptized before he went off to University in September. God used that baptism to stir the hearts of others. We had five people become members of our church. Praise the Lord!”

“Around Advent, I had one person ask me about baptism classes. By the time January came around, I had nine people wanting to take Baptism classes!”

“On Easter Sunday morning, we saw eight people go through the waters of Baptism. Halleluiah, Praise the Lord!”

“The first of May we had 9 more people become members of our church! Then one more person joined our church membership at the end of May. God is in the house!”

“The spiritual growth is phenomenal in the church as well. On a side note we are very excited about our CK Youth Church (Central Kings Rural High School) we have every Wednesday. We serve approximately 160 youth by giving out hotdogs, pop, and cookies all with the love of Christ through our volunteers and worship music. We are excited to see where the Lord is leading us into the summer and fall!”

In His Service
Rev Darryl Dykens
Cambridge Baptist Church, Cambridge, NS


Read the others in the series here:

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