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A Theology of Hospitality

Posted November 27th, 2015 - Read Article - 4 Comments - Leave a Response

Many are at a crossroads. Concerns for Canada, our churches and our children are colliding and competing with our concerns and compassion for refugees caught in the Middle East crisis. What should we do? Why should we do it? We’ve compiled some scripture and thoughts… Read More »

New Associate Director Announced

Posted November 26th, 2015 - Read Article - 3 Comments - Leave a Response

The Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches is excited to announce that Andrew Glidden will be joining our team as the Associate Director of Youth and Family Ministries effective January 4, 2016. Andrew is a church planter in Saint John, NB where he lives with his… Read More »

Terrorism: Bombs, Blogs & Breathalyzers

Posted November 25th, 2015 - Read Article - 2 Comments - Leave a Response

Before malaria was linked to mosquitos, there were wild remedies and precautions. Knowing the source of problems is crucial. What if drunkenness hadn’t been linked to alcohol? How would we view DUI accidents and fatalities? Would we be handing out death sentences or driving tips?… Read More »

Hammond Valley Builds New Church

Posted November 23rd, 2015 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Exciting news from Hammond Valley Community Church (formerly Smithtown Baptist Church) Smithtown, NB on the Hammond River. In 2011, we changed our name. Then in 2012, we bought land in Titusville so we would have room to expand. Our men and teen boys with the… Read More »

CABC Staff Announcement

Posted November 16th, 2015 - Read Article - 2 Comments - Leave a Response

CABC Council is excited to announce that Rev. Kevin Vincent will be transitioning from part-time to full-time with the CABC effective March 7, 2016. Kevin joined the CABC team in a part-time capacity in May 2015 while maintaining a part time Lead Pastor role at… Read More »

Cornerstone Baptist in Montague

Posted November 12th, 2015 - Read Article - 2 Comments - Leave a Response

On Sunday, October 11, Cornerstone Baptist Church’s third site held it’s first Sunday morning worship service in Montague, PEI. Cornerstone Montague began as a relaunch of the former Montague United Baptist Church, which has been present in the town of Montague for over 200 years…. Read More »

Glorious and Free

Posted November 10th, 2015 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

Our church service yesterday started with “O Canada” as we remembered those who’ve fought for our freedom. After that (though my Pavlovian senses were cued for a hockey game) we raised our voices and hands to God (okay, mostly our voices). We love our country… Read More »

LINK 2015

Posted November 6th, 2015 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

This years LINK moved to Camp Tulakadik, which is, situated on beautiful Cassidy Lake, just outside Sussex, New Brunswick. It was also held in October this year a little later than has been the norm. When the dust settled, we ended up having 35 campers… Read More »

Grace Memorial Baptisms

Posted November 4th, 2015 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

On September 20th, Grace Memorial Baptist Church (Fredericton, NB) celebrated Back to Church Sunday. This year’s annual event was a little extra special as nine people chose to make a declaration of faith by being baptized. The candidates were all members of the church’s Chinese… Read More »