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A Legacy of Perseverance

Posted February 11th, 2015 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

In recognition of Black History Month, we’d like to highlight Portia White, an acclaimed international singer from Nova Scotia who lived from 1911 to 1968. Recently, Spatz Theatre, Citadel High School (Halifax, NS) honoured her by unveiling a portrait and naming an atrium after her… Read More »

New Associate Executive Minister

Posted January 26th, 2015 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

We are excited to announce that Rev. Kevin Vincent has been approved by CABC Council to serve as the new Associate Executive Minister for the CABC. Kevin will direct the Centre for New Congregations (, encouraging and training individuals and churches to engage in mission… Read More »

Intimate Partner Violence and The Church

Posted January 21st, 2015 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Earlier in 2014, Dr. Lois Mitchell was invited to participate in a faith leaders panel through the Religion and Violence Research Team of the Muriel McQueen Fergguson Center for Family Violence Research. The discussion was on intimate partner violence and the faith community’s response to… Read More »

Winter Camps

Posted January 9th, 2015 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Looking outside we can no longer deny that winter has arrived. Snow, cold temperatures, icy roads, and did I mention the cold temperatures? Well, it won’t last and we can usually expect that it’s colder somewhere else. Rev. Jonathan Beers from Northern Cross Community Church… Read More »


Posted January 6th, 2015 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Today is Epiphany – The Appearing. Some traditions more accurately call it Theophany – The Appearing of God. The Word of all creation became flesh, became Immanuel – God with us, and we have seen his glory. Some mark the feast by focussing on Christ’s… Read More »

Register Your Church For TI 2015

Posted December 19th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Tidal Impact 2015 registration is open for both host and visiting churches (individual team registration will open later). Sign-up your youth group to serve at TI! If you register by December 31st, you will have a chance to win a weekend away at a cottage… Read More »

Creating a Culture of Invitation (Video)

Posted December 18th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Culture of Invitation video is now available! In November we hosted Michael Harvey, co-founder of Back to Church Sunday in the UK (, as he presented a series of seminars for our churches on how they can create a culture of invitation. He graciously allowed… Read More »

Students Organize Coffeehouse

Posted December 16th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Recently students from Crandall University pooled their musical talents, networking, and organizational skills together to host a benefit coffeehouse to purchase turkey dinners and presents for Moncton families in need this Christmas. Each week a group of Crandall volunteers visit Harvest House to provide a… Read More »

CABC Building Update

Posted December 15th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

At Oasis 2014, our Executive Minister gave an update to the churches about several items including strategic planning for the future. One of the issues has been the CABC office building in Saint John. Due to the age of the building there are some serious… Read More »

Company’s Coming

Posted December 11th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Company is coming! At our house when we know in advance that company is coming we go into all out cleaning mode! The house is generally scrubbed and de-cluttered from top to bottom. There is something good about getting ready to receive an honoured guest… Read More »