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Potential Impact 2013 Recap

Posted October 18th, 2013 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Potential Impact took place earlier this month at Camp Wildwood. This invitation-only event for grade 12 students is the result of a partnership between Acadia Divinity College and the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches. Students connected to CABC churches are nominated by a pastor or… Read More »

Show Up and Shut Up (Part 2)

Posted October 2nd, 2013 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

I mentioned in part one of this blog (https://baptist-atlantic.ca/news/show-up-and-shut-up-part-1/) that God used a little yearling to remind me that I needed to “show up and shut up!” I had five wonderful days of rest, Bible reading, prayer, and quiet listening (no electronic devices). Trust me… Read More »

Kingdom Building Seminar

Posted September 20th, 2013 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

The Albert Association is hosting on a seminar called the “Kingdom Building Seminar 2013” on Saturday November 9th, 9:00am to 3:00pm at Hillsborough Baptist Church. Guest speakers will be Rev. Geoff DeJong (Pastor of St. Martin’s and Fairfield Baptist Churches (NB) and Rev. Dr. John… Read More »

Fall Training Tour 2013

Posted September 18th, 2013 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

It has been said that members of the current generation are “digital natives”: not knowing a world without the internet, cell phones, text messaging and social media. This reality does present some challenges, but it also offers many opportunities with respect to ministry and sharing… Read More »

Havelock Dedicates New Building

Posted September 6th, 2013 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

“Sometimes walking in our churches is like walking into a museum. We cannot build ministry today with past vision. Methods must change, but the message of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection must remain the same.”  -Lennett J. Anderson, Oasis 2013   Havelock Baptist Church was… Read More »

Oasis 2013 Recap

Posted September 5th, 2013 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Oasis 2013 was one to remember! We are blessed as the CABC family to have the opportunity to come together and celebrate what the mission God has called us to be a part of here in Atlantic Canada. We were pleased to welcome more than… Read More »

Fusion – A New Blog!

Posted March 14th, 2013 - Read Article - 2 Comments - Leave a Response

CABC is finally joining the world of blogging! This is just another way to engage our churches, pastors, leaders and communities in the missional conversation. The name of the blog is “fusi3on” but you’ll quickly notice a bit of a twist on the name incorporating… Read More »

Filling in the Gap

Posted February 21st, 2013 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

Most parents can identify with this dilemma – your child’s school has scheduled a full or half day in-service for teachers and can’t take time off work. In a day when single parents and many families with two incomes struggle to make ends meet, finding… Read More »