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ADC Convocation 2015

Posted May 5th, 2015 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

A true sign of spring is graduations! This weekend Acadia Divinity College is hosting their celebrations as they honour and send out their grads to impact the Kingdom of God. Congratulations to all the grads on this significant achievement! May God use you mightily where… Read More »

Crandall Grad Celebrations

Posted April 29th, 2015 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

As a part of Crandall’s 2015 Convocation celebrations, Crandall University will present Distinguished Alumni Awards to Stephen J. Alward ’88 (Executive Director of Green Hill Lake Camp) and Geoff A. Brace ’79 (Executive Director of Camp Wildwood). The awards will be presented at a banquet… Read More »

Meeting Jesus on Mission

Posted August 15th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

“And see here, I’ll always be with you…” “Espoir Acadien” (Acadian Hope) is the big evangelical outreach happening right now around Edmundston, NB in conjunction with the Congrès Mondial Acadien (World Acadian Congress). I got to join it for a few days last week. Over… Read More »

2014 Yearbook Now Available

Posted August 15th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

The 2014 CABC Yearbook is now available online. It contains important information such as our proposed budget, reports from agencies and ministry partners, as well as membership and financial information of our churches as reported on the annual reports for the year ending 2013. Please… Read More »

Farewell to Rev. Jon Turner

Posted July 10th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

From Dr. Peter Reid: We were thrilled when Rev. Jon Turner, his wife Jessica, and their two girls Michaela and Alyssa came from England one year ago to join our new staff team. Jon’s ministry has been well received and we have seen significant fruit… Read More »


Posted April 8th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

You are invited to attend a banquet near you. The CABC will be hosting regional Connect gatherings near you over the coming months. You will have an opportunity to come together to share a meal, meet with CABC staff, and hear the CABC’s shared vision… Read More »

A New Look!

Posted April 7th, 2014 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

We are pleased to officially launch our new logo! You may have seen it already in a few places (emails, Oasis website, etc). From here on out you will see more of this and a whole new look rolled out in our web and print… Read More »

The Well 2014: A Young Adult Retreat

Posted October 21st, 2013 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

This coming January 24th-26th, young adults from all across Atlantic Canada who are in Grade 12 up to age 25(ish) will be arriving at Bayside Camp (near Halifax, NS) for an impactful retreat called “The Well.” Following on the heels of the first event in… Read More »