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Glorious and Free

Posted November 10th, 2015 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

Our church service yesterday started with “O Canada” as we remembered those who’ve fought for our freedom. After that (though my Pavlovian senses were cued for a hockey game) we raised our voices and hands to God (okay, mostly our voices). We love our country… Read More »

LINK 2015

Posted November 6th, 2015 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

This years LINK moved to Camp Tulakadik, which is, situated on beautiful Cassidy Lake, just outside Sussex, New Brunswick. It was also held in October this year a little later than has been the norm. When the dust settled, we ended up having 35 campers… Read More »

Grace Memorial Baptisms

Posted November 4th, 2015 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

On September 20th, Grace Memorial Baptist Church (Fredericton, NB) celebrated Back to Church Sunday. This year’s annual event was a little extra special as nine people chose to make a declaration of faith by being baptized. The candidates were all members of the church’s Chinese… Read More »

Celebrations at Tracy Baptist

Posted October 22nd, 2015 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

On September 20, 2015, a large crowd attended the annual Celebrating the Church Family Sunday & Back To Church Sunday at Tracy Baptist Church in Tracy, N.B. Tracy Baptist is part of a church field of two churches, the other being Fredericton Junction Baptist. In… Read More »

ABH Announces New Director

Posted October 21st, 2015 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

Atlantic Baptist Housing ( is pleased to announce they have hired Mark Cameron as their new Executive Director – Seniors Housing. Mark has most recently been the Regional Chief Engineer for D.P. Murphy Hotels and Resorts in the Maritimes. Mark is a Deacon at Highfield… Read More »

Intentional Interim Ministry Training

Posted October 19th, 2015 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Transitions in pastoral leadership in a church are often times of substantial challenges as well as opportunities. Intentional interim leadership during these transitions can provide churches with a fresh perspective and a higher level of ministerial competence to address these inevitable challenges and opportunities. Intentional… Read More »

Together We Have It All

Posted October 16th, 2015 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

Église Évangélique Baptiste de Sainte Anne de Madawaska is one of our francophone churches located in Ste-Anne de Madawaska in the Northwestern Association of New Brunswick. In the summer of 2014, they were involved in the Acadian Congress by sponsoring rallies, offering food, and distributing… Read More »


Posted October 8th, 2015 - Read Article - 3 Comments - Leave a Response

In recent weeks we’ve heard about a number of baptisms in CABC churches (either by messages received or social media). Baptisms are always an exciting time in the life of the church. They are clear evidence that God is working in hearts and lives. It’s… Read More »

Oasis15 Recap

Posted October 1st, 2015 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

#Oasis15 happened! Were you there? The CABC family came together to celebrate what God is doing here in Atlantic Canada. Some even joined us via livestream. Nearly 850 Atlantic Baptists from 208 churches shared some amazing and inspiring stories – churches sponsoring refugees, partnering in… Read More »

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