Role: The role of the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board is to carry out the mandate given to it by the CBAC, which is to provide a “central guiding vision and leadership to the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada in the areas of evangelism, church planting, intercultural ministries, and other mission endeavours. (Article 2 – Purpose, Constitution of the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board.)

The mandate also includes the following:

  1. In cooperation with the Associations, to make decisions regarding Pastoral Ministry Grants,
  2. To work closely with the Council to achieve the goals of The CBAC, and
  3. To assume responsibility for the property matters, trusts and investments of the previous Home Mission Board.

Atlantic Baptist Mission Board


  • Thompson, Rev. Brandon
  • Sweet, Joann
  • Verboom, Mr. Jim
  • Wade, Rev. Angela
  • Vincent, Rev.  Kevin, Director, Atlantic Baptist Mission
  • Home Missions Coordinator, Atlantic Baptist Women

