Role: The role of the Board of Governors of Crandall University (formerly Atlantic Baptist University, Atlantic Baptist College, United Baptist Bible Training School) is to carry out the mandate given it by the CBAC and by the Act to Incorporate Crandall University, which is to provide for persons of any race, colour or creed, university education with a philosophy and viewpoint that is Christian.

The above mandate also includes but is not limited to the following responsibilities:

  1. To have the whole management of the financial affairs of the University,
  2. To receive and disburse all moneys,
  3. To control, keep and manage all its property,
  4. To transact all business relating to property and moneys committed to its care by the CBAC or otherwise, and
  5. At all times and in all things observe and obey those orders and instructions of the CBAC that are in harmony with the religious and educational policies of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada.

Board of Governors, Crandall University


  • Adair-MacPherson, Kim (2024)
  • Burlock, Jeff (2024)
  • Stewart, John (2024)
  • MacLeod, Todd (2025)
  • Robertson, Jennifer (2025)
  • Stultz, Stephen (2025)
  • Tremere, Autumn (2025)
  • Dixon, Jim (2026)
  • Iluyomade, Raphael (2026)
  • Morehouse, David (2026)
  • Schofield, Douglas (2026)
  • Smith, Daren (2026)

Appointments for one year, 2021-2022:

  • Todd Jones, Alumni Representative
  • Luke Sullivan, Student Representative
  • Keith Grant, Faculty Representative

Ex Officio

Executive Minister, Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada; President, Crandall University

