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Posts Tagged “baptisms”

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Baptism Stories Continued

Posted October 16th, 2018 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

We’re continuing our series of baptism updates. You can read previous stories here:; The total reported at that time was 118 baptisms from 34 churches that reported. Here are more stories we recently received: The Point Church (Rev. Kevin Matthews): Baptized = 19…. Read More »

Baptism Stories

Posted October 3rd, 2018 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

We continue to share stories of baptisms as you send them in. While we love to hear the numbers, we love getting the stories. Hearing the stories of God changing lives, making that public declaration that Jesus’s love changed a life – this is what… Read More »

3K43K Sign Up Video

Posted May 22nd, 2018 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

“Baptisms should be a natural outcome of what will happen when we join God in our neighbourhoods.” You’ve probably heard us talking about our God dream of 3000 baptisms in one year by 2025. And about the 3000 people we need praying for this to… Read More »

Easter Baptisms – Part 5

Posted June 14th, 2017 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Here’s part 5 of our Easter Sunday baptism series. This one was submitted by Rev. Dr. Rhonda Britton, Senior Pastor of Cornwallis Street Baptist Church in Halifax, NS. This also appears on the cover of our most recent Connect brochure sent out to churches. Cornwallis… Read More »

Easter Baptisms – Part 4

Posted June 12th, 2017 - Read Article - No Comments - Leave a Response

Here’s part 4 of our Easter Sunday baptism series. This one was submitted by Rev. John Tremblett, Senior Pastor of Beechwood Baptist Church in Beechwood, NB. Baptism is always an exciting time of new life in a church. In April, Beechwood Baptist Church was privileged… Read More »

Dedication & Baptisms at New Horton

Posted November 2nd, 2016 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

On September 18th, New Horton Baptist Church (New Horton, NB) celebrated the child dedication of little Mable Robichaud along with her mother (Lisa Wilbur) and father (Jeff Robichaud) with Pastor David Hawkesworth officating as guest minister. (left to right) Pastor Hawkesworth, Lisa Wilbur, little Mable… Read More »

Baptisms at Paradise

Posted August 24th, 2016 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

Five individuals were welcomed into local church membership at Paradise on Sunday, August 7th. Of the five, three had faithfully entered the waters of baptism at Trout Lake, Annapolis County on the afternoon of Sunday, July 3rd. The baptism service was followed by a church… Read More »

Baptisms in Oxford and Little River

Posted July 12th, 2016 - Read Article - 1 Comment - Leave a Response

Oxford and Little River Baptist Churches (NS) have been enjoying God’s blessings these past two years. On May 29th, two new converts, Bette and Alton McAlony, went into the waters of baptism and were accepted into membership. They started coming to the church after the… Read More »